Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Coronavirus, The End of the Year Edition

 Coronavirus, The End of the Year Edition

By the Numbers
The Numbers:
The Omicron surge has been breathtaking.  From being identified to dominance in the US in under 5 weeks.

On 12/29, there were a mind numbing 465,082 new cases in the US.  Shattering the previous record of 312,939 the day before, which beat the previous the all time high logged in on 1/8/21 and is growing by 7.3% per day for the last week.  It brings the estimated number of cases to 3.9 million coming into the New Year.  
Pennsylvania broke its record new case number of  13,318 (12/11/2020) by over 4,000 yesterday.  And New York shattered its previous 1 day record of 18,664 last January with 43,131 Tuesday, and again with 67,226 yesterday.
There is no sugar coating this.
Omicron update:
Just hours after my previous posting.  Significant information from South Africa.
1) Full but not boosted vaccination with Pfizer drops protection down to 33% for Omicron compared to closer to 60%+ vs Delta and over 80% vs Alpha, Beta, or ancestral (IIRC), but protection vs hospitalization appears to be a 70% reduction vs unvaccinated against Omicron.

2)Those who previously contracted Delta appear to have a 40% risk of reinfections, 60% for Beta, and older/original strain 73%.

3) Adults seem to have a 29% lower risk of hospitalization, particularly if a reinfection.

4) Children appear 20% more likely to require hospitalization.  While most experience 3 days of cold like symptoms, others are hospitalized for bronchitis and pneumonia.

Why is Omicron so infectious?:
One study by the Ragon Institute, demonstrates that Omicron replicates 70 times faster then Delta in the bronchial tubes.  That alone would explain how it is out competing Delta.  While in the broncs, it is much easier spread from patient to patient with each breath.

Why does Omicron seem less dangerous?:
In the lungs, Omicron seems to replicate only 1/10th as fast as Delta.  So it seems to set up well in the door way (the bronchial tubes), but doesn't penetrate deeply into the major systems like lungs, heart, kidneys.

If you have been exposed:
I have had my first encounter with someone who tested positive for Covid.  Despite putting out these missives bi-weekly, my experience with Covid has been more theoretical than real.  

First, thank the person that called you that you have been exposed.  While some regard this as a common courtesy and obligatory, others will avoid the unpleasantness and hope for the best.  Give them some positive reinforcement.

In my case, the person that called was not the infected contact, but was also contacted by him/her.

Testing false positives are rare.  False negatives are more common.  If you test too soon, there may not be enough pathogens to be detected. 
The best time to test is two or three days after exposure to someone who has the virus.  In my case it was 4 days on notification, 5 to testing.  My test was negative, so I dodged the bullet.
So if you were exposed yesterday, you can make arrangements for a tomorrow or the day after, but today is too soon.

With the new wave of Omicron, testing centers are overwhelmed.  Doctors office's are refusing patients without a current test,  Take your temperature, self isolate and be patient.  

If you are a veteran, the VA seems to have capacity to test right now.  
The day after my test, my sister called me to say that she might have been exposed the previous week as well.  I didn't have contact with her directly, but had a 90 minute conversation with her husband.  
So 5 people contacted in total, and two possible Covid infections.
In the end, it is just probability. 

The year in review.

I decided to look at last years final missive and see what we got right, and what went wrong.

The drug Bamlanivimab, a monoclonal antibody drug was announced and shown to be effective.  This specific drug had been approved, then later revoked in the US.  A recent test on the drug was canceled in Denmark when it's efficacy against placebo was statistically irrelevant.
But other monoclonal drugs are effective against Covid, but this is the most expensive way to treat the virus.  Several shots at 3-5,000, and are effective for about a month.
Last Christmas Eve, there were around 5 million active cases.   The highest daily new case count was 254,000 on December 18, 2020.  The high for that surge, which was the Alpha Variant, was 301,000 on Jan 8.

The vaccine rollout had started, and the production schedule was tracking for 190 million Americans vaccinated by June.  We hit 135 million partially and fully vaccinated on May 25, 2021.  Currently we are at 240.

Anaphylaxis from the Covid vaccine was 1 in a million with the test group, but was about 10 in a million in real life.  Anti-vaxers will bring this up, ignoring that Covid will kill 2,500 per million.

Long Term Impact of Covid damage still is an under studied effect.  Last year vascular damage was between 35% and 70% of patients examined. The current number is thought to be 30%.  But we won't really know until much later.
“Herd Immunity” was estimated at 80% of the population.  For the USA, that is 265 Million.  We are still not there yet. 
It would be amusing if it wasn't so wrong:
A conspiracy group held a convention, "ReAwaken America", on Dec 10th.  This large number of this mostly unvaccinated group started having fever, chest pain, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue.  

Since Covid is just a conspiracy put out by the pharmaceutical companies, with the collusion of every government and medical system in the world, their logical conclusion is that they were subjected to an anthrax attack.
You can't make this stuff up. 
Update, Jan 3, 2022.  One of the infected members, Doug Kuzma, after 5 days of being ill, replied to a suggestion that he have a Covid test with, "no way"!  It was just his chronic bronchitis, or maybe anthrax. But either way, there was a photo of himself with a container of Ivermectin.  Is Ivermectin a proper treatment for anthrax?

He was found unconscious at his home on Christmas Eve, was hospitalized, and died 10 days later.

What went wrong?:
Obviously, the strength of the misinformation of the anti vaccine people was underestimated.  It was thought they would be ploughed under by the realities of the situation to the anti-vaxer's natural 3-5% of the population and be irrelevant.
No one saw that the pundits of a major political party would attack the efforts to save lives as contrary to all that was good and decent in their world view.
But the truth is, it's something else.  Its not the Republican banner wavers, though that is how it manifests itself in the USA (vaccination rate 73%).  In the UK (vaccination rate 76%), they have the same issues.  Often with the same arguments.  But this was largely the Tory party, their equivalent of the Republicans, and they took their cue from Boris Johnson, who's politics and attitudes is so close to Trump as to not matter.  But to the rest of the world, American foreign policy is just UK foreign policy extended.   In short, one is just like another.  

But what about France (vaccination rate 78%)?  They are having riots over vaccinations and restrictions.  And they were practically ground zero in 2020.  Germany (vaccination rate 71%) also has a strong resistance to the remaining people being vaccinated.  Their mantra seems to be "Vaccinated, recovered or dead."

All western nations, but with different cultures.  All having trouble getting over the critical threshold percentage needed to put the brakes on Covid.  

Many anti-vaxers are fed arguments attacking the science. They will listen to "Dave" on the internet, vice take their information from actual scientists who are authorities on the work.
They will point out that the science is inconsistent, and  therefore "Dave" is right, and none of it can be trusted.

But they will latch on studies that have failed the peer review process or haven't been replicated that reflect their world view.  Like one study showing efficacy of Ivermectin, which failed peer review, and ignored 50 other studies that showed no efficacy.  They attribute it to the conspiracy and ignore the evidence.
And while it is considered amoral to experiment on humans, Brazil experimented with Ivermectin on a country wide scale, mixing it with HCQ, and some vitamins and calling it "First Response", and not allowing the vaccines to be imported.  The result is the second highest body count in the world.  Sad to say, but that is also science. 
So we have a woman preaching that if God meant us to cover our faces, he would have given us a mask, reading from her prepared statement required her to have on her reading glasses.

I think the core of problem is a secondary school education issue.  Somehow the sciences are being reduced, and people just don't know how the scientific method works.  

They argue that the scientists are biased, have an agenda, or on a payroll, or any number of human behavior issues.  And they are absolutely correct.

People are imperfect.  That is why there is the scientific method.

If you do a study, or produce an extraordinary result in an experiment.  You have to write it all up, and subject it scrutiny.  Other scientists may have an opposing agenda, and will want to destroy it.  They will tear into the documentation and do their best.   If they succeed, the experiment will have to be redone, addressing any issues.  If they fail, we have a conclusion.  Other scientists that don't have a dog in the fight will make popcorn and read the results and come to a consensus.

It's called an adversarial relationship.  It is how science works.  It's also how the court system works.  It's how the US Government works.  It's ugly and brutal.  But it gets at the facts of the matter.  

When you read a headline that "Scientists disagree on <this or that issue>".  This is ALWAYS true.  

When someone says, "Well, not all of them believe that."  This is also ALWAYS true.  But then, there are people that believe in flat earth.  

There are always people that will not believe what is right in front of them.  But it is a failure of the education system when the percentage is so high.  In Pennsylvania, that percentage seems to be 40%.  Plenty of fertile ground for the anti-vax agenda, and unfortunately, wood for the Covid fire.

I'll put this out as an analogy.  Galileo and the Pope.  Which could be defined as new ideas vs. the status quo.  Or the scientific method vs. ignorance.  Galileo didn't just do experiments, he wrote them down, and subjected them to scrutiny, and replication.  And his observations took root in countries beyond the Papal reach.  
The church had to dig in it's heels because if the Catholic church, which was considered infallible, was wrong about heliocentric model of the solar system, then what else could it be wrong about?   Ignorance won out on the short run, but the scientific method on the long run.
This came up again with evolution.  Missing species had been in evidence for centuries.  They couldn't have died out, because that would mean God created imperfect things, which means God himself was imperfect.  So it was thought extinct species were just, "Elsewhere".  But by the late 1800's, it was obvious that the Stegosaurus wasn't hiding behind the arborvitae.  160 years later, we still have many who deny it, which is 'ok', but some actively point to fraudulent evidence "demonstrating" that man and dinosaurs coexisted at one time.

A final note:
Donald Trump, while being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly, announced his vaccination status as vaccinated and boosted.  Bill O'Reilly also made the same announcement and they both recommended everyone get the jab.  He even noted that most of the Covid hospitalized were from the unvaccinated.  They were booed from the audience.

In a later interview, Bill O'Reilly basically said the conspiracy nuts were in the stratosphere with their theories and they were wrong.

For example a Ms Candace Owens, a journalism school drop out, how claims that Trumps vocal support for vaccinations is based on his inability to use the internet to do, "proper", research.  She stated that, "He only knows what is written down, or read to him."  
Failing to notice that for a while, those writings were from the most prominent virologists in the land.  Doctors that actually completed college, and then some.  Then went on to spend a life time studying the medical sciences.

So Ms Owens, what qualifies you to "do" research?  Based on what I have seen of your writing, you didn't even pass, like, proper sentence structure.  To quote her, 'People oftentimes forget that, like, how old Trump is,'.  Has she read even one formal research paper on vaccine efficacy?  Or is she just repeating echo chambers?  

And you all know I would rather amputate a significant toe rather than say something good about our dear departed leader.

But he is right about getting vaccinated.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Coronavirus, The Mid December Edition

 Coronavirus, The Mid December Edition

By the Numbers
The Numbers:
The number of new cases continue to grow.   For the week of 12/3 to 12/10, the number daily new cases increased about 9% per day, then has settled in to about 1.5% per day for the following week.   Bringing the total number of calculated cases to over 2.2 million cases nation wide.

In Pennsylvania, the average daily new cases continues to grow, 8,556 per day last week, up from 7,423 the week before, and 5,626 before that.
Omicron Highlights:
Since information on Omicron is coming in fast and furious these last two weeks, my missive was updated continuously and was in the form of stream of consciousness reporting.  So I split it in two, and you can read the ramblings if you want to.

Is Omicron more infectious?  Yes.   Research released by the UK, not yet peer reviewed, that Omicron will be the dominant strain in the UK by late December.  As of 12/13, Omicron represents 40% of all new cases in London.  In the US, Omicron is already 3% of the sequenced cases, and 13% of the new cases in NY and NJ.  For a comparison, previous variants, Mu and Lambda, never hit .1% in regions where they were found.

Is Omicron deadlier?  No, so far, there has been only 1 death attributed to Omicron out of 2,500 known cases in the UK.  And no deaths in South Africa against 78,000 cases.

Does vaccination help against Omicron?  Yes, initially the Astra Zenica and Pfizer vaccines does well for about 3 months, afterwards, the effectiveness drops down to the 35-40% range.  But vaccinations, even older ones have dramatically reduced the terms of hospitalization to 35% of that of previous variants. Boosters help bring it back to 75% effectiveness.  See diagram below.

Due to Omicron, the UK Recommendations for boosters is now 3 months vice 6 months.

Does Natural Immunity help against Omicron?  No. The omicron variant of COVID-19 appears to have a "substantial ability" to evade natural immunity acquired from past COVID-19 infections.
Does Omicron provide natural immunity against Delta?  We don't know. It is too soon to tell.

Does Omicron cause "Long Covid"?  We don't know. It is too soon to tell.
Omicron Ramblings:
The first case of the Omicron variant  detected in the US is a Minnesota man  who attended an anime convention November 19-21.  Since then, half of his group of 30 have come down with Covid, but Omicron itself has not been verified in the rest of the group, but a relative of one of his group, a man in his 60's, was later infected with the Omicron variant.  He had been vaccinated and boostered, and suffered only mild symptoms.  See here.

This incident predates South Africa's announcement of Omicron's existence, proving that Omicron was world wide before it was even detected. 
In my last report I stated that Omicron has gone from newly detected to dominating the case numbers in major regions of South Africa.  What I could not find out then, was if the variant  Beta, formally known as "South Africa", was still the dominant strain in SA.  Since then, I have finally had evidence that Beta had succumbed to Delta in SA like everywhere else.   

Why this is important is this.  If Omicron is out performing its parent Beta, that is one thing, but Delta is another.  I am writing this only a couple of days after my last missive, and it seems like Omicron has legs.
The latest surge in South Africa has been dramatic.  On Nov 1, the number of daily new cases was 350.  On December 16, it was 26,000.  Most of them have been the new Omicron variant.  But so far, the anecdotal reports are that it is less dangerous.  

South African Scientists have preliminary evidence that Omicron spreads more than twice as quickly as the delta variant in that country.   And "this new variant is more capable of bypassing antibodies generated by a prior infection than previous variants".  Which means, any "Natural" immunity is now out the window.

Pfizer lab studies show that three doses of their vaccine is able to provide adequate protection from Omicron.  Statistics in the wild will need time to be acquired.  

In Denmark, over 1,280 cases of Omicron have been detected, about 5% of the total number of Covid cases.

19% of those cases were among those that have booster shots.

But little or no deaths have been attributed to this variant.  

A South African study of 78,000 Omicron cases found the risk of hospitalization is 29 per cent lower compared with the original Wuhan strain, and 23 per cent lower than Delta, with vaccines holding up well.  ICU requirements in SA is 5% the number of cases, vice 22% for delta.  That that seems high to me.  Does it mean 5 and 22 of total cases, or just those hospitalized?  I am thinking hospitalized.

An anecdotal story about Omicrons ability to spread.  November 27, there was a Christmas luncheon held for some 150 students in Viborg, Denmark.   64 were later diagnosed with Omicron.  How many people came in with Omicron is unknown.

I'm thinking of getting this tattooed on my shot arm, any thoughts?

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Coronavirus, The Early December Edition

Coronavirus, The Early December Edition

By the Numbers

The Numbers: The day after my last report, the rate of daily new cases began surging. From increasing .6% per day to 3.5% per day. The doubling rate for .6% is 4 months. The doubling rate of 3.5% is just 3 weeks.

There is a statistical drop in the increases during the 5 days around Thanksgiving. The actual numbers wouldn't have dropped, but the accounting of them has. The Tuesday-Thursday numbers will probably show a commensurate jump.

Who are the infected?

The infected are still dominated by the 50+ crowd. See this image put out by Minnesota Health Services.

The hospitalization rate for the unvaccinated 50+ crowd is over 400 per 100,000. For the vaccinated, 50+ crowd, the hospitalization rate is about 20 per 100,000. 
This is 20-1, and in keeping with very numerous similar reports around the country I have been seeing since August, that the unvaccinated represent 95% of the hospitalizations for Covid.

Another analysis by the New York Times is they are from counties with low vaccination rates rates as well. The same counties also happened to have voted strongly Republican in the last election. See Here...

These lines represent accumulative deaths for the year to date, not a snapshot of that point in time. So in January, they were very closely grouped, but as the vaccines took affect, the spread widened.

Mentioned in the article, that the daily rate difference is growing.

I'll copy past the article snippet as my attempts to paraphrase is proving insufficient to explain properly:

"The gap in Covid’s death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point.

In October, 25 out of every 100,000 residents of heavily Trump counties died from Covid, more than three times higher than the rate in heavily Biden counties (7.8 per 100,000). October was the fifth consecutive month that the percentage gap between the death rates in Trump counties and Biden counties widened." (Emphasis mine)

Pfizer Covid Vaccine, 12-15's Year Olds

The Pfizer test on their vaccine against 12-15 year olds was 2,200 people. Of the 1,100 vaccinated, zero cases of Covid was reported. The Placebo group of 1,100 had 30 cases.

Misuse of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, hereafter referred to as VAERS, is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. It is being used by anti-vaxers to prove that the Covid vaccines are more dangerous than the disease.

The thing is, VAERS, is not statistical science. But more of an open source reporting system. In short, anyone can make a submission, some of the obviously false. The CDC does it's best to remove false claims, but for Covid reports alone this year, over 225,000 make this a daunting task.

But anti-vax attempts to "Game the system" is not the real problem,. It is just a blip in the numbers. The real problem is looking at the VAERS reports alone and deriving statistical conclusion. The system was meant as a trip wire for detecting early warning problems, and not a complete statistic outlook.

So when a popular anti-vax personality reported in May, 2021, that over 4,000 fully vaccinated people have died since taking the vaccine, as reported in VAERS, he was totally correct. But he was also totally misleading. What VAERS does not report is that reaction to the vaccine was a cause of death in all those 4,000.

At that point, 125 million Americans had been vaccinated, about 50%. Most of them were 50 years old or older. So out of 125 million, how many would be expected to die in a 5 month period of time? Roughly 700,000.See here.

The only surprise here is that only 4,000 were reported having been vaccinated. 

Followup note. Listening to a podcast, "More or Less: Behind the Statistics", based in the UK. It was reported using statistics accumulated by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, that deaths for vaccinated was higher than unvaccinated. And it was another case of one data point on the chart being misrepresented to the whole of the chart. For details, listen to their podcast episode, "Simpson's Paradox, How to make vaccinated death figures misleading."

It has to do with disproportionate group sizes where the age group, 10-59, where the 55+ was disproportionately, by a factor of 80 times, affecting the group as a whole.

A analog would be a statistic that people that saw original Ghostbusters in the theater, are far more likely to have died than those that saw the latest remake. And drawing a conclusion that the older movie was killing more people.

The point is, the anti-vaccine refusenicks, are international, and will stoop to any level to justify their position, which is really just "I don't want to."


The latest variant of interest has assigned the Greek letter, Omicron. Since it was first reported earlier last week, I have seen articles that are almost copy paste's of previous variants, and others with often contradictory information.

But the the fact that B.1.1.529 (B means it is a variant of the South Africa variant) has been assigned a letter implies the powers-that-be are concerned.

What do we know? Extracted from NPR's article last week.

In areas of South Africa where it was first detected, Omicron has gone from extremely rare to dominating the number of cases in Pretoria in about 4 weeks. Omicron is now the leading cause in the current outbreak in South Africa.

The variant has been detected in just about every major country, including the US.

Is it a vaccine breaker? WE...DON'T...KNOW... Anything you read otherwise, is hyperbole. About 25% of the adult population has been vaccinated in SA, so there is a lot of potential unvaccinated population to spread in.

Is it deadlier? More infectious? WE...DON'T...KNOW... I don't have statistics for how dominant "South Africa" was in South Africa, nor do we know if Omicron will out pace Delta in the rest of the world.

The CEO of Moderna believes that existing vaccines will be "much less effective" dealing with Omicron. And I have to assume he is talking to the experts in the field, as a number of them work for him.

FYI, South Africa, like America and Europe, has had a serious drop off rate in their vaccination numbers. Their goal was 300,000 per day, and got close to achieving that goal in August since large shipments of the vaccine arrived, but has since dropped in half starting in September.

In two weeks, we will know a lot more.

Monday, November 22, 2021

The Carbon Footprint Problem

The Carbon Footprint Problem

by the numbers

Once again, we are going through the yearly dance of having a major conference of all the nations that matter, in an effort to come to some agreement to reduce humanities carbon foot print, in an effort to reduce global warming.

And once again, humanity will fail to live up to their commitments.  And the planet will continue to warm up.

The planet has been getting warmer since at least the sixties.  Regardless of all the science, some of it with admittedly with cooked books, the US navy has been monitoring the thinning arctic ice since the invention of the nuclear powered submarines.  And the ice has been getting measurably thinner since the sixties.  

So I don't want to hear about Soviet weather stations going off line, or "it's the sun", or weather stations that were in the country, but now are next to a bus station.  Or any other justifications for ignoring the problem.  

There are really only two questions:

     Can we do something?

     Should we do something?

There are two major green house gasses of note.  Carbon and Methane.  Methane is about 80 times more effective in trapping heat, but is not as long lasting.  About 20 years.  One estimate that methane is 25% of the current global warming problem.  Half of methane emissions is from natural sources.  The human emissions of methane are the coal and gas industry, 37% in the US.  Followed by agriculture, 36% in the US, then we are down to Landfills and other.  See Here...

Then we have CO2.  That is the long term problem.  But it has been a long term problem for many decades.  So it's kind of a immediate problem now.  

Here is the scope of the problem.  Between 36 and 43 billion tons, we'll call it 40 for round numbers, was emitted in 2019, depending on the source.  About 5 billion of that was from the USA.  Work that out overall, and we are talking more than a trillion tons since WWII, 700 billion since the year 2000.

The end game to this problem is controlled fusion, and with that, make everything electric.  But fusion is about 50 years from now.  And we thought that 50 years ago, so the greenhouse gas problem would be taken care of itself.  So while fusion is the ultimate answer, it's not going to save us in the short run.

So what can we do?  Most items mentioned, like buying an electric car, is largely pointless.   The amount of carbon saved has been described as "a rounding error."  If we were to magically replace all the cars and heavy vehicles with electric, today, that would be nice, but probably would collapse the electric grid.  So we need to build up the grid.

Obviously, solar and wind can mitigate the problems, In the US, the current capacity is around 9%.   Where the electric grid infrastructure is no where near where it needs to be to get electricity from windy and sun drenched areas to where it is needed.  Yes it can do the job, but it's not going to get there in time.  Once again, we need to build up the grid.

Nuclear can get us there, but the anti nuke assholes would never let us implement that.

Here is a road map to the future.

Build gas fired electric plants.  We can actually build these quite fast.  Small ones in about a year.   With each one built, we take a coal fired plant off line. The US has around 250 of these.  40 of which are huge and generating most of the CO2 for the whole country.

The difference in CO2 is amazing.   Coal emits 915 grams CO2 per kilowatt hour of electricity produced.   Natural gas 436 grams, more than half.  60% of the worlds CO2 emissions is coal.  Get the world off of coal, and world wide emissions of CO2 can drop 12 billion tons per year.  From 40 billion, that is really significant.

While we are doing that, build nuclear reactors.  And continue with improving the grid to be able to run renewable sources.  

Then we have the carbon in the air problem.  

We can plant trees, a lot of trees, but there is insufficient ground space to plant them.   For the average first world person, we are talking 7 acres of trees per persons lifetime.  Count 700 million of US and Europeans, that is 4.9 billion acres of forest.  Currently there is about 10 billion acres of forest in the already world covering 31% of the landmass of the planet, which is 36.8 billion acres.  So where are we going to plant an additional 4.9 billion acres of trees?  

That remaining 36.8 billion acres includes mountains (24%) and desert (33%).  So half of the 36.8 is not available for reforestation.

Then you have to factor in the the remaining 6.3 billion people in the world.

Trees are nice, they feel good, and there is no reason not to plant more, but they are NOT the answer.

This is an industrial sized problem, and will require an industrial sized solution.  Technology is being tested in Iceland, The ORCA project.  Which scrubs CO2 out of the air and makes rocks out of it.  Where it can be buried.

The process takes a lot of energy to scrub CO2 from the air, but the ORCA plant is located where they run off of geothermal. The test plant is being set up to remove 4,000 tons of CO2 a year. 

Off course it will need to be scaled up.  But the advantage of this method is we can build the plants where there are renewable sources of energy.  CO2 is everywhere.  Put one next to solar collectors in the Sahara. No grid issues.  Just transportation to a near by hole to drop the rocks in.  

If we can scale a single plant up to 100,000 tons  a year, then we only need 4,000 of them to remove the current load.  With replacing the coal fired with gas fired plants, of which there are less than 2,000, we reduce the total CO2 load by 12 billion tons, and the amount of carbon in the atmosphere will actually be reduced.

So the answer to the question is "Can we do something", is a yes.

Off course this roadmap simplifies the over all problem. There are still many pitfalls.

Is there enough natural gas to support the switch over.  In the US, yes, in China?  I don't know.  Either way would require unrestricted fraking to achieve.

Is there enough Uranium? Anti-Nuke enthusiasts will say no.  Pro Nuke will say yes.  There is actually enough power to be found in nuclear waste that has been building up over the decades to have a good start.  But that requires "breeder" reactors, also capable of creating plutonium. Which is another problem.  But nuclear is not the final answer, but it is a way to bridge to the final answer, so it doesn't have to be 100%.  But every one built can take a gas fired plant off line, which will reduce the carbon foot print.

Then there is the design of "smart grids" to transfer power.

And we would have to dramatically scale up the renewable energy production.  

The carbon capture systems being tested in Iceland is still in the experimental stages.  So that would require 7-14 years before any realistic numbers of them could be designed and start to be built.

This all costs a lot, and who pays?  Obviously the first world nations, because they are the only ones that can.


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Coronavirus, The Late November Edition


Coronavirus, The Late November Edition
By the Numbers

The Numbers:  The rate of daily new cases has bottomed out nationwide and is now increasing by about .59% per day for the last 13 days.

 Whether or not this will turn into a "surge" or not waits to be seen.  The total number of estimated active cases is around 1.53 million.  About the same as two weeks ago.

The growth rate varies from state to state.  Texas, for example peaked in August at over 12,000 new cases daily, and has been in a steady decline to 2.800 new cases daily.  Pennsylvania, has, after 3 weeks of decline, began growing again.   Last week's average was 5,000 new cases daily.  Previous high was October 4, at 4,900 new cases.

New Anti Viral Treatments:

New antiviral drugs have been approved for Covid treatments on emergency basis.  Both have shown to reduce hospitalization rates and deaths if taken on early diagnosis.  

They are Molnupiravir/Lagevrio by Merck.  Available in the UK. Emergency authorization has been applied for in the USA.

Paxlovid by Pfizer.  It is not available yet, but Pfizer seeking emergency authorization in the USA.

Their efficacy is impressive.  Both were tested against non vaccinated patients of similar sized groups that had tested positive for Covid, and tracked for 28 days afterwards.

For Paxlovid, the trial group had 3 hospitalizations out of 389 patients, while the placebo group had 27 hospitalized, and 3 deaths out of 385 patients.

Molnupiravir/Lagevrio seems to be not as effective.  28 of their test group of 385 patients was hospitalized within 28 days of testing for Covid, vice 53 of the placebo group of 377.

With both drugs, there were no deaths in the test group.

Both antivirals are taken orally. 

More antivirals are currently in the testing phase.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Coronavirus, The Early November Edition

Coronavirus, The Early November Edition
By the Numbers

I had a fatal copy/paste error that destroyed the previous edition.  This rewrite is much briefer and will not have many supporting links usually littering my missives.

The Numbers:

The decline rate of daily new cases has dropped to about .33%. (that's point 33 percent) While any drop is good, this rate had been dropping over 1.5% per day, and so this is dismaying. The average number of new cases is around 56,000 per day. For this surge, the peak average for a week was 133,000 around early September.

The estimated number of total cases has dropped from 1.85 million two weeks ago to 1.52 million. Peak for this surge was around 3.1 million.

In 12 reporting districts (usually states), this current surge is still growing. They are:

Reporting Region     Weekly  New Cases Percentage

New Mexico 10076 142.66%
Utah             16340 121.46%
Arizona         32954 120.45%
Alabama          3929 119.93%
District Of Columbia 1234 115.98%
Illinois             23990 114.48%
Colorado         28862 111.72%
Minnesota     35056 111.19%
Maine               6666 102.92%
Nevada             6834 101.38%
California          63703 100.41%

North Dakota 6946 100.27%

The areas in greatest decline, by percentage, are:
Florida             19427 64.52%
Nebraska          4306 63.40%
South Carolina 7663 62.88%
Puerto Rico         133 62.74%
Federal Prisons 7749 62.03%
Oklahoma          8188 59.09%
Tennessee         9969 58.36%
Navajo Nation      89 56.33%
Iowa                      362 55.61%
New Hampshire 2231 48.02%

Total Cases:

I was challenged with the fact that there have been more Covid cases since the vaccines were developed than before and the challenger concluded that not only they were worthless, but harmful.  This is a case of looking only at a single data point and drawing a conclusion.

First, she was right.  There were 23 million cases before the vaccine, and 23 million more as of October, 2021.  But in 2020, we started with zero cases in March, and grew to 23 million in the next 10 months.  When the vaccine was introduced, the USA hit 301,000 new cases in a single day, and 5 million were currently infected.  That is a big head start to start counting on.  15.5 million from Dec 2020 to Jun 1, 2021 while the daily count of new cases dropped to 5,200.

This current surge since June has added 8 million more cases.

Best Quote:

“It's clear that there's a lot of human wood out there for this coronavirus forest fire to burn.”  Dr Osterholm, MPH, University of Minnesota.

Aaron Rodgers:

I can’t let this one go. Aaron Rodgers, #12, Green Bay Packers, one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game, has tested positive for Covid. In previous interviews he described him self as immune to Covid, without actually stating he was vaccinated.

To be clear, any attempt to deceive is a LIE. Regardless of how you phrase it.

He has complained about sanctimonious vaccine advocates doing witch hunts against freedom loving Americans.

His claimed immunity was due to a cocktail of monoclonal antibodies, Ivermectin, vitamins C, D and Hydroxychloroquine. 4 out of 5 of those has been shown to be totally ineffective against any virus, let alone Covid. Monoclonal antibodies is probably the most expensive way to treat the disease. Last time I checked that treatment costs between 2 and $3,000 per shot, two shot minimum. And monoclonal antibodies only last about 1 month.

This man doesn’t need a witch hunt, he needs to be THE poster child for the ineffectiveness o of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. 


The number of people I can actually put a face to that has contracted Covid is now 12  2 dead, 5 described as unhospitalized, but had a bad go of it.  4 with long hauler effects. In addition, my nephew, who contracted Covid in February, was vaccinated in May, is on his second bout. He had a bad go of it in February, fighting the virus for 3 weeks, but the second time was 3 days “flu” and done. 
Though anecdotal, this lends credence to the Natural Immunity only lasting 3-6 months.   And the vaccine radically reduces the symptoms.
It's a pernicious bug.

Friday, October 22, 2021

CBD Is the Snake Oil of Our Times

CBD Is the Snake Oil of Our Times

By the Numbers

CBD, or  Cannabidiol, is a derivative from cannabis or hemp plants.  With the forces at work to legalize cannabis and all it's forms, CBD has been getting promoted heavily as a cure for just about everything. And last year, 4.6 billion dollars was spent on CBD related products.  See here...

I had an encounter with CBD recently.  A topical cream was recommended by a chiropractor for knee pain issues I am experiencing.  After a jar and a weeks application, I can say I experienced no relief in pain.  If anything, it got worse.  But any one person's experience is anecdotal at best.  So what do the studies say?

A study in Canada demonstrated at best. 2.5 points out of 100, in pain mitigation with patients with severe pain.  And no clinical effects for mild to moderate pain.  See here...

I found one group that compiled 74 studies on CBD, but I cannot find the link now, of the 74 studies, 68 were testing CBD and THC, the active ingredient of marijuana.  The 6 remaining studies of just CBD, showed no evidence of pain relief.

But the jar of cream I have states prominently, "For Pain".  While it's list of ingredients include CBD, the main active ingredients is Camphor and Menthol.  Smells nice, but that's about it.

What is CBD good for?  Apparently it has only had proven efficacy for epilepsy in children.  And so far, that is it.

No other real clinical trials exist for any of the following claims.  COVID-19, migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome, digestive disorders, brain and mood disorders, high blood pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, PTSD, opioid addiction, and cancer in animals.

And no matter what Tommy Chong* claims, CBD did not cure his cancer. 

Side effects of CBD include agitation, chills, irritability, loss of appetite, nausea, throat and stomach pain, and drowsiness. CBD can increase the level of blood thinning and other medicines in your blood by competing for the liver enzymes that break down these drugs.  See Harvard Health...

Labels on CBD, and other supplements, that state "clinically tested" or "clinically proven", just means some people filled out a questionnaire.  It does not mean that the product has been subjected to a proper double blind study.

But you may never get enough CBD to have side effects, because about 70% of tested CBD products do not have what they claim in them.  Penn Medicine studied CBD products from 31 companies, and only 30% had dosages on the labels.  See here...

This is the difference between "Big Pharma", and "Big Supplements".  Pharmaceuticals have to prove efficacy of their products.  Supplements only need to allude they may do something, but cannot actually claim they do anything at all.  So I think the company that made my CBD cream needs a cease and desist order from the FDA. 

So, to quote Brian Dunning, of "Skeptoid"**, "The question is whether this is something you really want to go out of your way to do: take a prescription epilepsy drug at an unknown dose when you don't have epilepsy."

*In addition marijuana suppositories, Tommy Chong was treated with chemo and radiation.  So to claim CBD was the cure for his cancer is a bit of a stretch, but as the leading stoner of my generation, I don't think we can consider him to be a reliable source.

** Skeptoid is a podcast that has been running for over 10 years, where Brian Dunning debunks a lot of urban legends and fraudulently promoted products.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Coronavirus, The Late October Edition

Coronavirus, The Late October Edition 

By the Numbers 

The Numbers:

The number of daily new cases continue to decline nationwide on an average of 1.74% per day.  The estimated number of total cases has dropped from 2.24 million to 1.85 million two weeks ago.  As reported last time, the areas most affected by this surge have had the steepest decline.

For example: Texas peaked the week of September 6 with an average of 15,991 new cases per day, is now averaging 5,161 new cases per day.  Pennsylvania peaked the week of October 4 with an average of  4,903 new cases per day, is now averaging 4,703.  So while Texas has a clear and unambiguous drop, Pennsylvania could at best be described as hovering near peak.

Texas is not the worst/best case to look at, but I was picking on Texas a while ago because they were so vocal about freedom verses protecting their population from the virus and set up separate spread sheets that were auto populated by the macro codes I run every day.  So the week by week cases are being parsed automatically and I saw no reason to stop them. 

Mix and Match Vaccines:

So far, there are no large scale studies on having your first vaccine be one brand, and a booster another.  But there had been several small scale studies, in the UK, Spain and Ecuador that suggest an increase in vaccine efficacy with the booster being a different brand from the original.  The National Institute of Health has weighed in on "Heterologous", AKA, Mix and Match, with a study involving 458 people that demonstrated that no matter the combination of vaccines, the relevant antibodies increase. 

This just in:  The CDC has just approved both Moderna and the J&J vaccines for booster shots and updated the requirements to allow mix-and-match boosters.

Long Term Problems with Asymptomatics:

We are still getting a better idea on what are some of the long term effects of Covid.  Among those that had minimal or no immediate symptoms of Covid, described as "Asymptomatic", there has been a demonstrated increase in heart attack, stroke, or other major cardiovascular event in the first 12 months after Covid recovery. 

Non-hospitalized Covid patients had a 39% increased risk of developing heart failure and a 220% increased risk of a potentially deadly blood clot, known as a pulmonary embolism, in the following year, compared with someone who didn’t develop the disease. That works out to an extra 5.8 cases of heart-failure and 2.8 cases of pulmonary embolism for every 1,000 Covid patients who were never hospitalized. 

Being hospitalized for Covid is associated with a 5.8-fold increased risk of cardiac arrest and almost a 14-fold greater chance of myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, the study found.  Compare this to 4.8 extra cases of myocarditis per million for those that took the vaccine.  The normal rate of myocarditis is 1.5, per million but this is thought to be under diagnosed. But take it on face value, with the vaccine, a 3-1 increase in this treatable problem.  Without the vaccine and add Covid, 14 to 1.

Other studies are showing various symptoms in among 50% or more 3-6 months after Covid has left the system.  Mainly due to vascular damage that has taken place where Covid decided to settle in.  This one in Italy, which was ground zero in Europe.  This one in the UK is noting that "Long Hauler" symptoms among the vaccinated are milder and less reported than the unvaccinated.

Vaccine degradation:

From a not yet peer reviewed study:

Pfizer:   After 6 weeks, 95% effective.  After 6 months 84% overall, 97% preventing severe disease.

Moderna:  After 6 weeks, 95% effective.  After 6 months 90% overall, 95% preventing severe disease.

Johnson and Johnson:  Against the Delta Variant, 71% effective against hospitalization and up to 95% effective against death. So far, I have seen no evidence of a efficacy degradation over time for the J&J vaccine.  J&J is demonstrated that a booster shot raised the efficacy of their vaccine to 94%.

Keep in mind that a vaccine is considered effective at 65% efficacy.

Natural Immunity vs Vaccine:

A comparison of 2nd and 3rd cases after an original case of Covid, vice a vaccination "Breakthrough" cases was done in Kentucky, showed that previously infected Covid patients are 2.3 times as likely to be reinfected as those who have been vaccinated.  See here.

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Coronavirus, The Early October Edition

Coronavirus, The Early October Edition 

By the Numbers 

The Numbers:

The number of new cases went into a steep decline starting around Sept 21. Nationwide, about 3-4.75% drops in new cases every day has been observed. In just one week the estimated number of active cases nationwide went from 3 million to 2.5 million.

Then it stopped declining. In the last week, there has been a very slight growth in the daily new cases, about .5% growth every day, causing the total cases to hover around 2.35 million. 20 states are still in a decline, the remaining are increasing their daily new cases. Overall, the states hit the hardest by this surge have had the greatest decline. Alabama, Florida, Arkansas Mississippi all have seen weekly declines of 20% or more.

States that were declining, are now surging again.  Michigan(12,200), New Hampshire (2,317), Kansas(3,030), Idaho(8,310) and Minnesota(19,300) all have seen 50% increases last week.

In Pennsylvania the number of new cases has been increasing by about 1% per day. Averaging 4,900 last week and has reported the largest single daily number for this surge last week at 6,289.

I think the cause is the churn of the schools. PA Department of Health reported that from 9/8 to 9/14 7,218 cases of Covid was identified in children. The following week it was 7,352. 10 times the cases in children last year for the same time periods. Compare that to PA's weekly numbers around 33,000, that is a serious addition.

I have no reason to believe other states are any different.

So it seems that Covid in Adults are in decline, but children are now picking up slack.

Vaccination Rates Increase:

In Pennsylvania, the number of at least partially vaccinated adults hit 85% at the end of September. Up from about 68% in August. PA Department of health reported that 95% of the Covid hospitalizations and 97% of the deaths were among the unvaccinated. Fear seems to be a good motivator.

This was reported in the "Patch".

Nationwide, the number of vaccinated has gone from 67% in July to 72% by mid September. About 13 million more Americans.  Segway too...

Is Partial Vaccinated Enough?

According to Wisconsin Department of Health Services, no.  Their count of hospitalizations by Covid for partially vaccinated people is 9 times that of fully vaccinated.  See here for their report.

It makes that 5% Covid hospitalization rate for vaccinated look even better if 9 out of 10 had not yet had their second jab.

Masks in School or Not?

The CDC published a study in Arizona schools. Schools that had masks enforced were 3.5 times less likely to have a Covid outbreak those that did not.  See here for details.

A Challange to the Anti--Vax Crowd

 By the Numbers

I have a challenge for the anti-vaxers. Convince me you are right. There must be a reason you are so passionate about not adequately protecting yourself and family.

I have heard very many of your complaints, and the problem is, that so many of them are deliberately fabricated lies that you are telling yourselves, and you believe them.

So think about this, if your side is publishing lie after obviously proven lie, then why do you think you have any credibility at all?

I would really be interested in hearing any validation of your opinion.

I'm am going to provide a few examples here.

Recently, an anti-vax comment was posted on a local neighborhood forum. "Benner Road". This forum is designed for local neighborhood issues like, lost pets or school issues. The comment was in regard to school board decisions on masking the student body vice going back to virtual learning. And it read something like, "My boyfriend from Trinidad got the vaccine and his testicles got swollen and now he is sterile, and that is why she isn't getting the vaccine."

My thought's were, that is interesting, someone in "Benner Road" has a friend in Trinidad. Now Benner Road is in suburban Pennsylvania, and has 220 subscribers. What are the odds that any of them have any contact with someone in Trinidad, a small island off the coast of South America? Let alone be friends with possibly the only person on the planet that suffered swollen testicles after getting the vaccine?

But you know, I don't know this person, it could be true. But it wasn't worth my time to comment.

Then 3 days later I hear a joking reference on BBC4 about a rap artist, Nicki Minaj, making the claim that her cousins wedding was canceled because her fiance from Trinidad suffered swollen testicles after getting the vaccine? OK, now what are the odds? There couldn't be two men from Trinidad with this problem. World wide, about 1.5 billion men have received the vaccine, and the only two men that reported this issue live in the same small country of 1.4 million? Not impossible but...

And one of them is friends with someone that lives within a quarter mile of me? This is defying credulity. Obviously one is just lying that "they know someone." And, as it turns out, they are both lying. As declared by Trinidad and Tobago Health Minister, Terrence Deyalsing. He declared that checking on this claim was a large waste of his departments time that could have been better spent elsewhere.

Then there was this deliberately created fabrication. Bill Gates is a fanatic on vaccines of all types, and his foundation has put serious money into things like vaccines for malaria. The anti-vax crowd has openly attacked him by declaring that this elitist is trying to save the planet by reducing the human population to a manageable level, and the Covid vaccine is part of the plan. To support that position, they published this photo.

They really rely on no-one checking on these things. 

What is actually said on the wall is literally, ENGRAVED IN STONE.

So if you tell me a more lies, why should I believe you?  More to the point, why are you believing them?

I have had as evidence presented to me that masks do not provide protection which had headlines stating they do not work, but if you actually read the article, their results show that masks do work. Or they are on articles that not about masks at all. One anti masker provided a list of 40 such studies. None actually supported their position.

Then there are those that state that masks are harmful. In Japan, mask wearing is the primary source of preventing infection. They wear them everywhere. Are we saying that the Americans more frail than the Japanese? 

And in Japan, which doesn't have a major pharmaceutical industry, had to wait 3-4 months before the vaccine was available to them. They fought the virus with social distancing and masks. The result? With 1/3 the population of the US, concentrated 10 times as many people per sq mile, 1/40th the infections and deaths. Social distancing and masks. Proof they work.

Then we have the latest surge in Covid. In every hospital the unvaccinated outnumber the vaccinated by 19-1 for Covid treatments. And yet, the unvaccinated are insisting that Ivermectin will save them. What is this based on? There has been over 50 studies on Ivermectin that showed no efficacy, but a single study from Egypt says it did. So which study does the anti-vaxers chose to believe, and repeat? Even if that study is accurate, does improving your survival rate 2-1 once you have Covid somehow better than 19-1 of not getting hospitalized to begin with?

When radio personality Bob Enyart,  KLTT-AM, Denver, claimed vaccine was developed using aborted fetal cells, where is his evidence?  Why should I believe anything else he said? FYI, he succumbed to Covid Sept 12.

The Covid deniers claim C-19 is just like the flu.  But when did the flu kill 500,000 Americans in a single year?  The answer is, the Spanish flu of 1918-1919.  Total US deaths 670,000, current Covid deaths 720,000, and as of Sept, 2021, growing about 1,500 daily.

Covid deniers constantly mock news sources MSN and CNN as fake news.  Are you trying to tell me the hospitals are not full of Covid victims?  We all know people that have died of Covid.  My personal count is 11 infected, 2 dead, 2 "long haulers", 4 had a rough go of it.  How is MSN and CNN even in this narrative?  And for the record, the last time I had on CNN was during the Jan 6 insurrection.  And MSN not at all.

How about 5G network causing the virus, promoted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one of the Disinformation Dozen?

 Covid vaccines have micochips and causes infertility.  Where is the proof?  

So please, what is the real reason for your vaccine refusal?  Bear in mind, my goal is to keep you and yours alive and healthy, stop this pandemic, so we can all go about our lives. 


Friday, September 24, 2021

Coronavirus, the Late September Edition

 Coronavirus, the Late September Edition

By the Numbers
The Numbers 
Nationwide, the numbers continue to oscillate around 3 million active cases. Almost all the states are in decline,
Sending the kids to school seems to be a major factor. In Pennsylvania, 30% of the new cases, some 20,000 of the 70,000 new cases in the last two weeks, are school age children.
San Francisco seems to be doing a good job on tracking sources of infection, and identified that the vast majority of school age infections were acquired in the home, not at the school.
Booster shots
The information on booster shots changes daily. Currently the CDC is recommending booster shots for "at risk" people whose last vaccination was 8 months ago. The reported decline in efficacy of the vaccines is still wildly varied. But even the lowest numbers, about 65%, are above what immunologists would consider effective. 
Ethicists are complaining, and rightly so, if Americans don't want the vaccine, then ship it to locations around the world that need it. Let none go to waste. The logistics of shipping the mRNA virus is daunting as they require a very cold environment, but doable. It would be a great photo op to have thousands of Nigerians lining up at the air plane for their shots. We could tell the Refusenicks the Nigerians are getting their shots. 
Refusenick Hell
I have tried to avoid talking about the death counts in my missives. My goal is not to induce fear, but provide context through the numbers. But sometimes, the death count is what is required to make the point. 
How badly is the current Covid surge affecting the refuseniks of the vaccine? At the peak of the pandemic, the 15 weeks from November 2020 to February 2021, 286,000 Americans died of Covid out of an adult population of 255 million*, or about 1,122 out of every million. 
During the 15 weeks from June to September 11, 75,000 died of Covid. The CDC places this loss as 85% unvaccinated so the number of the unvaccinated that have died is 63,900. Every hospital graph I have seen puts this at 95%+**, and I have seen dozens of them by now, but I have to assume the CDC did a better job of looking at all hospitals, and not just the ones promoting their beds dedicated to Covid. So I'll use their lower number.
The number of unvaccinated adults from June-Sept is around 97 million. This puts the death count per million at 736 per million. In the same time frame the death count for the vaccinated is 71 per million. 
And this does not consider the long term debilitating effects of the virus settling into your vascular system. This seems to effect about 32% of all the moderate to serious cases of Covid. Assuming the serious cases are all hospitalized and that number is closed to 3 million, almost 700,000 died, giving us around 730,000 with various "Long Hauler" effects.
So it is the concentration of Covid that is the major problem. This is nothing we didn't already know. But even in those areas, Covid is not spreading as badly as it did at it's peak last winter. Even in the refusenik strongholds about 40% are vaccinated, and that seems to have mitigated the disaster that has fallen on them. It's just those areas tend to be much poorer and less able to deal with a reduced version of this plague. 
*I know children are catching Delta now, but they are still a small percentage of the serious cases. Feel free to distort my numbers a couple of percentage points to account for them.
**DC reports their breakthrough rate at .72%, PA at 6%, NJ at .002%. A very wide range.
Which States are still growing, and which are declining.
The graph below is the counts of NEW cases for each state and protectorate for the last 4 weeks. 
2 states and the Navajo nation are still showing an increase from last week. the rest are reporting a decline. 10 have a less than 10% decline, the rest more so.
27 states and protectorates still have more new cases this week than 4 weeks ago.
Looks like my prediction of a sharp drop in September was bogus. 
State 8/25 to 8/31 9/1 to 9/7 9/8 to 9/14 9/15 to 9/21 4 weeks change Last week change
Alabama 7,805 11,695 11,765 6,923 89% 59%
Alaska 2,499 3,039 4,679 4,307 172% 92%
Arizona 22,387 21,730 21,129 16,919 76% 80%
Arkansas 14,023 15,050 13,795 9,191 66% 67%
California 82,920 85,150 74,143 54,379 66% 73%
Colorado 8,271 12,020 12,492 8,672 105% 69%
Connecticut 4,659 3,872 4,985 5,418 116% 109%
Delaware 2,159 3,098 3,332 3,245 150% 97%
DistrictOfColumbia 1,355 991 1,871 1,402 103% 75%
FederalPrisons 7,797 7,703 7,991 5,417 69% 68%
Florida 130,389 86,716 82,082 49,333 38% 60%
Georgia 47,404 47,389 48,877 27,390 58% 56%
Guam 5,483 4,231 3,012 2,010 37% 67%
Hawaii 6,279 5,815 4,504 3,246 52% 72%
Idaho 5,189 6,406 10,222 7,888 152% 77%
Illinois 18,818 22,841 27,389 15,963 85% 58%
Indiana 21,067 21,312 27,941 17,022 81% 61%
Iowa 559 1,918 734 437 78% 60%
Kansas 4,534 4,074 7,051 5,314 117% 75%
Kentucky 22,206 22,319 29,798 20,077 90% 67%
Louisiana 18,992 8,583 17,813 8,597 45% 48%
Maine 1,722 2,690 3,884 3,264 190% 84%
MarianaIslands 867 1,000 1,402 944 109% 67%
Maryland 8,031 8,932 9,073 8,621 107% 95%
Massachusetts 8,075 8,912 13,665 9,248 115% 68%
Michigan 6,754 7,037 13,710 13,280 197% 97%
Minnesota 10,872 10,361 15,867 15,686 144% 99%
Mississippi 16,799 13,883 15,150 10,555 63% 70%
Missouri 16,802 16,625 18,936 13,934 83% 74%
Montana 3,374 3,758 6,684 6,552 194% 98%
NavajoNation 142 151 109 127 89% 117%
Nebraska 3,934 3,117 4,607 3,244 82% 70%
Nevada 5,726 6,036 8,487 5,534 97% 65%
NewHampshire 1,436 1,239 2,465 1,580 110% 64%
NewJersey 13,908 14,955 18,571 15,419 111% 83%
NewMexico 4,303 4,230 4,604 3,143 73% 68%
NewYork 29,912 36,878 42,310 37,892 127% 90%
NorthCarolina 32,047 33,214 41,509 29,736 93% 72%
NorthDakota 2,062 2,986 4,084 3,153 153% 77%
Ohio 31,225 47,032 57,247 46,633 149% 81%
Oklahoma 17,280 12,660 16,764 9,952 58% 59%
Oregon 11,945 11,119 13,790 8,858 74% 64%
Pennsylvania 22,757 27,602 34,542 32,415 142% 94%
PuertoRico 210 223 248 248 118% 100%
RhodeIsland 1,557 1,509 2,543 1,843 118% 72%
SouthCarolina 22,981 25,450 30,040 17,973 78% 60%
SouthDakota 2,613 2,389 2,969 2,385 91% 80%
Tennessee 25,980 42,424 42,194 19,165 74% 45%
Texas 104,973 121,365 141,900 79,116 75% 56%
USATotalNotincludedintotals 909,368 941,555 1,090,958 753,411 83% 69%
USMilitary 2,572 2,183 4,540 2,001 78% 44%
Utah 6,103 6,931 11,428 7,448 122% 65%
Vermont 912 1,281 1,259 1,391 153% 110%
Virginia 19,319 23,199 29,887 21,523 111% 72%
Washington 17,676 18,907 24,838 14,822 84% 60%
WestVirginia 5,787 10,007 14,676 12,707 220% 87%
Wisconsin 10,478 11,778 16,640 16,339 156% 98%
Wyoming 3,194 3,095 4,402 3,266 102% 74%

Friday, September 10, 2021

Coronavirus, the Early September Edition

Coronavirus, the Early September Edition

By the Numbers

The Numbers 
Nationwide, we seem to have hit peak, and the number of new cases is now in a slight decline.  The last 4 days are showing about 2% fewer new cases than the week before.  The estimated total of active cases is over 3 million.  However, there is a 3 day holiday in the totals, and that tends to reduce the number of cases as it screws up the reporting.  But even the Thursday number, 160,748, is less than last Thursdays of 182,593.  So the decline seems real.

Nationwide, the estimated number of active cases continues to hold at just above 3 million.  Where it has been since 9/1/2021. 

Why is no one is dying of Covid in Florida anymore?
Florida changed how they report Covid death counts.  From the date the death certificate is processed, to the date of the actual death.  Because of this, if you were to graph Florida's deaths, it will now always look liked it peaked a few days back, and is now in decline.  When in fact, with Florida, the number of deaths is increasing commensurate with their disproportionate number of active cases.  Florida has 16% the number of cases in the nation, apportioned to 6.5% of the population.

But there is another subtle change in the day to day statistics.  If you look at Florida's numbers today, or yesterday, there are zero deaths.  So someone looking at the charts would think Florida is doing a good job as no one has died.  Their count of total deaths continues to go up, it is just not graphed.  See this web site.
An example Wednesdays numbers vs Thursdays.  Florida logged in 9 new deaths, but their total deaths went from 46,942 to  48,273.  +1,331!

The variant known as Mu, mutated in existence in Columbia, where it is the dominant variant.  The press is saying much about Mu, while knowing very little.  I have notice the word "could" used a lot.  Could be vaccine evading, could be more infectious.   The short answer is We... Don't... Know...

First on vaccine evasion.  This is just a fear mongering press trying to get head lines.  We... Don't... Know...  Mu mutated in Columbia in Jan, 2021, so it is impossible that it mutated in response to the current vaccines.

Mu has been identified in every state save Nebraska.  In each area, it represents less than 1% of the total cases.  Far less.  For example, in California, 380 cases have been identified, as opposed to an estimated 254,000 active cases, or .15% the total.

My thoughts are that if Mu was more infectious/deadlier/vaccine evading, it would be more prominent than that.    With a press corps tired of reporting about Covid, this is just something new to write up.

An example from the NY Daily News on press prevarication, "The U.S. saw its peak of Mu variant cases in mid-July but case numbers involving that variant have been declining since, signaling either a weakening of the strain or indicating a worrisome future."

The anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin has captured the imagination of meme developers everywhere.  Here is what we know.  Ivermectin and HCQ have both been looked into extensively as a treatment for Covid.  Both have been suggested in looking for a reason the Covid has not cut a swath through equatorial Africa.  Both drugs are in heavy use there for treating the various parasites in that region.

Ivermectin's supporters claim it has not been studied, and allude to pharmaceutical company conspiracies.  Anti-vaxers have latched onto it as an alternative to vaccines.
It has been studied.  At least 57 studies so far.  And only one study has shown efficacy.  The rest have not. 
The one study has been heavily downloaded and shared on the anti-vax boards.  The study as it was originally published, was not peer reviewed.  But that is part of the normal process.  We have a month or so now of medical researchers looking at the paper, and they have issues with methodology and record keeping.  Notably duplicate patient numbers and incomplete records of patients that showed positive effects vice those that did not.
The American Journal of Therapeutics, where they looked at many of these studies and posted their results here.   In their final evaluation, with the exception of just one category, all the "quality of evidence" ratings of these studies is rated "low" or "very low".  However, that one category is "death from any cause".  78 out of 1,000 for no ivermectin verses 48 per 1,000 for ivermectin.  A 61% improvement in death from any cause. So the Journal's conclusion reads:
"Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally."

Unfortunately, this has been taken to heart by the anti-vax refusenicks as meaning they do not need the vaccine. They are only told ivermectin is an effective treatment, and can be used as preventive medicine.  
And many are raiding veterinary supplies for non prescription ivermectin.  Unfortunately the recommended dosage's are in mcg per kg of the patient.  You know, metric, and you have to do math.  And it comes in pills and liquid.  People are getting it wrong and adding to the ER load.

Where the logic falls down is 61% improvement on outcomes with ivermectin is not as good as 17-1 (94.2%) benefit of the vaccine is currently (CDC Aug 13) showing at preventing hospitalizations, this number has Delta factored in, but may not be weighted properly, but I'll go with the experts.  If you want ivermectin after you get hospitalized, I have no problem with that, but also be aware, it is not just ivermectin, but there is no established treatment regimen yet in this country, or any western country.

Where there is a treatment regimen is in Brazil.  A cocktail of ivermectin, HCQ, anti-inflammatory drugs,  tetracycline, azithromycin, referred to as "early treatment". So we have a real world experiment on the value of this drug.  Brazil has a population 2/3rd's the US, and 584,000 deaths compared to the US's 666,000.

It's not an either or thing with ivermectin, except for the anti-vax refusenicks.  They have signs up declaring "We have ivermectin, you can keep your vaccine." 
States in decline
I missed this last surge was going to happen.  During all of June, the numbers averaged 11,600 new cases daily.  Down from a peak of 301,000 on Jan 8.   I was lulled into a sense that Covid was over.  The vaccine had won, and we could go about our lives.  I was contemplating the final edition of this missive.
Evidence of this surge was there in the numbers, and I missed it. The clue was the stabilization.  Which implies the bottom of the curve, when it should have continued to decline.  When you bottom out, you can only go up.  I didn't catch that, while some  states were in decline, others were increasing.  Concentrating in the Covid denial areas and growing.  
As of today, we do have the reverse situation happening.  Most states are in decline.  This is the list where Covid is still climbing:
Iowa            1,613 new cases last week, a 283% increase over the previous week.
Louisiana    11,977 new cases last week, a 150% increase over the previous week.
West Virginia 8,975 new cases last week, a 136% increase over the previous week.
These states are still increasing but between 101 and 113% of the previous week.
North Dakota
Puerto Rico
New York

The rest of the states, protectorates, military, and districts are in decline.
Though, Florida is in doubt, as their change in counting makes it seem like they are in serious decline, at 44% the previous week, but that is just statistical bull shit.