UFO's Are Not Flying Saucers
Part 1
By the Numbers
This is in response to the newly released report by the Pentagon on the subject of UFO's. The long and the short is this: The Pentagon has observed 144 objects since 2004 that it cannot explain what they are. They are not saying they are alien produced flying saucers. Recently one of the more prominent videos was this:
Referred to as the "The Go Fast" video. Released about 5 years ago.
The pilot was claiming amazing changes of speed of an object that was next to the water. The Navy has analyzed the footage and has responded with nothing.
The Navy will not comment officially because this was a new sensor system, the Raytheon Multispectral targeting system,
and formally a secret. And because it's just general policy not to reveal our capabilities.
one analyst, Mike West, did crunch the numbers on the screen above and calculated the the object was
not at sea level, but at 12,000 feet, this changed the speed it was traveling from 300-400 knots to between
20 and 40 knots. In addition, the camera was set to "black hot" mode so the whiteness of the target is it's infra
red color. White meaning it is the same temperature as the surrounding
So contrary to the claims, this object is moving along with the current wind speed, at the ambient air temperature. In short, it is a weather balloon.
pilots involved are misunderstanding what the display is telling them. This happens all the time.
account has to be assessed individually. And the Navy is not going to
release any findings on any system for security reasons. So we are down
to individual analysis of this video. Mike West used to convert 3D physics programs for video games into 2D images. So analyzing a 2D image to what is happening in 3D is second nature to him. So while he is not official, these are some pretty good credentials.
Then there is this:
Referred to as "The Flying Pyramid" video |
In the video there is a flashing light on the UFO. Why would someone make something in the shape of a pyramid fly? As it turns out, this camera has a triangle shaped aperture, and out of focus objects will have a triangle shape. The flashing light is repeating at a rate consistent with commercial aircraft.
Back in the 80's I was in the US Navy serving as a Terrier Mod 8 Surface to Air missile radar
engineer/operator. As such I spent a lot of time tracking flying objects. Our motto was, "In God We Trust, All Others We Track".* We didn't see much
that couldn't be explained, but one time, one of my juniors called me over,
because he was tracking a target, and in the fire control world,
everything is a "target", that was changing it's velocity by 200 yards a
second, in an instant. That's a difference of 400 MPH. Way beyond the capabilities of any thing that flies. Or any other object in existence.
looked at it and told him he had two planes, flying nearly wingtip to
wingtip. And the radar was bouncing from one to the other. Each bounce would be recalculated as a range rate change. A common deception by warplanes to avoid being tracked. Later, they will split apart, the plane still being tracked, because they know they are being tracked, will fly off, the other will continue the run unobserved. Or so they hope.
"How do you know", he asked?
"You're looking at the peaks, I'm looking at the noise". In the noise you could see a larger than normal divot, that occasionally split in two. But when the display circuit was trying to make sense of it, both those divots merged into a single spike.
And a minute later, they split off. Our radar maintained lock on one, while number 6 tracked the other. So much for hope.
So my Junior would have reported an anomaly like the pilots in the above video. It happens.
Not the same as the 55 Radar, but it provides a reference. The crap above the Range arrow is "noise". While the bump would be the target. Our system had a much cleaner image than this. But that cleaner image comes at a cost of processing power. And some conditions were just not engineered in, and anomalies can occur. |
So lets look at the numbers. From the 40's through 90's it seemed like UFO's were everywhere. Along with the blurry photos. It really did seem like there was a universal presence observing us. But there was a total lack of good photographs or any hard evidence. Why is easy to explain.
Everything filmed as a UFO was in that visual event horizon referred to as the low information zone. If it was closer, you would know what it is. Further away, and it is not noticed. At the early ages of portable cameras, this was a very small bubble.
You have to have the equipment available, and ready (like with film) for such a picture. In the 60's, cameras got more convenient, with Polaroids, and 110 Instamatics. This increased the number of cameras available, but the tech conveniences came at a cost of lower picture quality. So the number of bubbles increased, but did not improve in quality.
Through the 70's cameras got more prevalent, and the film quality dramatically improved from ISO 100 in the early 70's to ASA 1000 by 1980. So the number of bubbles and the radius of the event horizon of the low information zone increased. But what UFO's that were filmed, still remained in that zone.
This continued decade after decade. Millions of potential photographers, zero solid photos.
Around 2005 the numbers logarithmically improved. Instead of 100 million possible photographers there were now a billion with cameras in their phones, being carried all the time, with no film requirements they would always be available and with a 10X zoom the size of the low information bubble increased in size. So our ability to film a speeding UFO increased by more than 10,000 fold over the 60's and 70's.
And yet, the aliens seem to be able to hug that ever increasing low information zone.
In 2021, there are an estimated 3.5 billion cell phones available, most with with 40x zoom and UHD resolution. Call it between 12 and 48 times better than 2005.
So where are the photos?
So either the aliens left, developed new stealth technology, or were never here.
They could have left, but it begs the question why they were here to begin with?
They could of developed new stealth technology, but that fact they are here implies they surpass our tech in so many ways, and since visual stealth, seems already in our reach, wouldn't that have been installed on their craft long ago? If they wanted to hide, then why have they shown themselves previously?
This leaves they were never here. When you exclude the impossible, whatever is left, is the answer.
The current Pentagon report only covers the last 17 years so as to have high quality data to work with. Of that, the
Pentagon has observed 144 objects that it cannot explain. Out of how
many it can explain? Billions very likely. A single Aegis phased array radar could track a 1,000 objects simultaneously. 24x7, So out of those 144, how many
are just a lack of accurate data. How many are electronic translation
of an unusual situation? The Pentagon acknowledged this with the statement in their release, "The sensors mounted on U.S. military platforms are typically
designed to fulfill specific missions. As a result, those sensors are
not generally suited for identifying UAP."
This is another way to saying, "If
you want us to start shooting them down, we can oblige you. Then you
will know exactly what they were."
But then Egypt won't disassemble the Great Pyramid to find all the secret rooms either.
I was a late comer to the UFO's are aliens skepticism. Up until the early 2000s, I was a big believer in all the fantastic claims. Devils Triangle**, Ancient Visitors***, Bigfoot****, Nessie*****, UFO's! I gobbled them up and morphed them into one belief. My belief was heavily reinforced when I was 14 when this flew overhead:
![]() |
Yes, we built one. |
Now imagine this viewed from below, where the ailerons are not visible, and for reasons unknown, no obvious USAF and insignia on the bottom. I remember noting the mismatched coloration of the metal plates. If you saw this from a quarter mile away, what would you think?
It was over 40 years before I tracked down this image.
UPDATE: I have reason to believe this image is an Artist Conception, not a photograph. But sans the stabilizers, which was not viewable from below, and the obvious USAF markings, this is what I saw. An article is available here...
Anecdotal story: Back in the 70's, one of Iran's F-14 fighter jets spotted a UFO and gave chase. The pilot tried to "lock on" with his weapons but they failed. Claiming that aliens must have jammed his equipment.
Or perhaps Venus, which is very bright in the thin high altitude air, is just a few million miles out of range of the air to air missiles? We laughed at the stupid Iranians.
And now they can laugh at us.
We are good at seeing things we have been told to see. Strange things in the skies have been reported before the invention of the airplane, but skyrocketed since.
The Amsterdam zoo once lost their panda. It had escaped. They put out request for help in the media, and received over 10,000 replies of people that saw the panda. A few days later it was found, dead, killed by a train right next to the zoo.
None of those 10,000 people saw the panda.
I did not expect this to be a two part series, but some interesting information came to light on the fraud behind promoting UFOs. UFO's are Not Flying Saucers, Part 2
* The other motto is "If it flies, it dies."
** Statistically, considering miles traveled, the Bermuda triangle has a lower disappearance rate than other heavily trafficked areas in the world.
*** Strange pictures on walls. Our ancestors had imaginations. Just like we do. They invented all manner of aliens, they just called them gods and spirits.
**** Man in a gorilla suit.
***** Stick in the water being pulled by a string.
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